Tuesday, August 10, 2010

WriteOnCon, Baby!!

What are you doing here?? Get your cyber butt over to the super awesome WriteOnCon website! Now!

What's WriteOnCon, you ask? Oh, no big deal. Just a FREE online conference for writers. They have stuff like essays from established authors, workshops with literary agents, query critiques, and live chats with industry professionals.

It kicks off today, and the schedule is uh-may-zing. So head on over there and absorb as much as possible. Here's the link: http://writeoncon.com/

Happy writing, everybody!


  1. It's awesome I've spent all morning there. I not getting anything done today or for the rest of the con. :-)

  2. Are you having a hard time logging on?

  3. Yes!! It says the access to the site if forbidden :(

    Let's hope they get it up and running soon. I'm dying to read their posts!!

  4. Hmm, I wonder if anybody is having success this morning. They probably didn't expect so much traffic! :-)

  5. Oh, here's from one of the organizers on twitter:

    "WriteOnCon will go on! We're posting all of the content to our own blogs until the main site is back up! http://lisa-laura.blogspot.com/ "

  6. The itinerary on Sharon Messenger's blog looked amazing!! I hope y'all have a lovely time!! Sounds great!

    take care

  7. Oh yeah, I've been keeping up all day, baby!
