Wednesday, October 13, 2010

An Awesome Chat With Elana Johnson!!!

I have been jumping up and down since I got the news, folks. And now that I can FINALLY share it with all of you, my ankles are killing me :)

What news am I talking about?

Well, Operation Awesome is having a chat on The Dreaded Query Letter
And joining us in our chat is none other than the author of this:

And this:

Yes, peeps. Elana Johnson will be chatting with us!!!

For more awesome details, including what prizes you can win (!),  head on over to OA blog right now

Trust me--you do NOT want to miss out. 


  1. SQUEE. I'm so glad we can finally shout about this. It's going to be awesome!

  2. Woo hoo! Love Elana! Can't wait for the interview. =)

  3. I wouldn't miss a moment with the fabulous Elana! Count me in! :-)

  4. Oh, this is going to be so good! Yay for Elana and her query ninja wisdom!!

  5. Oooh the dreaded queries!!!

    Thanks for the info - will be there! Take care

  6. What great news! Elana is awesome.
