Friday, October 5, 2012

Announcement!!! Well, Sort Of...

So. Next Monday. You should be online. 


Because we over at Operation Awesome have an ANNOUNCEMENT. And it is a SUPER BADASS one. I wish I could tell you rightthissecond what we have to share, but nope. I have been instructed to keep my trap shut until then. Impossible, you say? ALMOST. Which is why I'm teasing you with this post :)

But trust me. The wait will be worth it. Oh, yes it will. 

*shakes with anticipation* 

So yeah. Next Monday. See you then!

Have an awesome weekend!!


  1. You. Are. Such. A. TEASE! Lol I clicked on your linking, thinking that I'd see a major announcement. Not an announcement that there will be an announcement xD

    Guess I'll have to pop back in Monday!

    1. ROTFL!!!! I KNOW, RIGHT??? *cackles*

      I regret nothing :D
