Sunday, October 13, 2013

Things I've Been Doing Instead Of Blogging Like I Should

So. I've been a terrible blogger. TERRIBLE, I tell you. My last post was in August, so yeah. TERRIBLE.

Here are a few Things I've Been Doing Instead Of Blogging Like I Should:

1) Revising the fourth draft of Le WIP.

2) Writing my Master's thesis.

3) Taking care of them:

Luna (pinned down) & Freya (pinning her down). Ah, life...

4) Eating the same dish at my latest Mexican restaurant obsession:

Nachos with churrasco. The churrasco's hidden somewhere under all that guac. *drools* 

5) Watching a lot of TV and finding new shows to fangirl over, such as:

Hellooooooo, Mr. Crane.

6) Reading very few books instead of a lot of books, which is shameful and I'm sorry.

7) Working. 

But I've had enough, folks. It's time to get back on the blogging horse. Starting with this post. I hope to be around a bit more often than these past two months. So yeah. Expect some fangirling in the near future.

Have a great week! :D


  1. Writing your master's thesis is a pretty big thing. I think we can forgive you, especially when you add in your revisions, your fave TV shows, and your fave Mexican dish.

    My new food obsession is sushi. I swore I would never, ever eat raw fish. But one moment of curiosity led to me going absolutely nuts over it.

    1. I loooooove sushi, so I totally understand. Raw fish sounds unappealing on paper, but OMG, sushi is awesome. In fact, thanks to you, now I'm craving some. Perhaps I should leave the nachos and feast on sushi for a week.

      And you're right. Thesis = pretty big thing. Thanks for forgiving me! I'll try not to disappoint! :D
