Saturday, March 23, 2013

In Which I Confess My Solo Dance Parties While Writing

So. Writing. Hard, isn't it? 

I find it impossible to write for more than an hour at a time. Sometimes, if I'm REALLY pumped up, I go on for longer stretches. But this is rare, folks. Like, is-that-a-Yeti-with-a-chimichanga? rare. My creative juices sound the alarm and slam those breaks like nobody's business. I feel exhausted and bored. 

Which is why I have solo dance parties.

I put on songs that drive me to brink of dancing madness, then run headfirst to said madness. 

Note: I am a terrible dancer. But I do it anyway. 

It's my excuse to have fun and laugh at my ineptitude for a few minutes. It's also a great way to recharge those creative juices. Dance parties make me happy. Therefore, after the dance party is over, I will still be happy. This helps me get back to writing with a smile on my face and, hopefully, a believable way to end that pesky scene or chapter. 

Just don't ask me to record myself dancing. You don't deserve that kind of torture. 

How do you recharge those creative juices after a writing session? Do you throw solo dance parties, too? Or do you prefer something less embarrassing? 


  1. Haha! I do this too! Not necessarily because I'm bored, more as a solution to writers' block. It helps get my mind off the problem and onto the solution. :)

  2. I thought I was the only one who did this! Glad to know I have company! I also reward myself with five minutes of videogame play.

    1. Nice! I really need to go back to my beloved Skyrim. Haven't played in MONTHS. *slaps wrist*

  3. YES to solo dance parties. Also, solo kickboxing jam sessions. Also singing loudly. Also Sonic Diet Dr. Pepper with vanilla runs. Also (now-a-days especially!) making up silly songs about and dancing with my kiddo. I have a hard time writing for long stretches too.

    1. Also, squealing about whatever delicious plot development I just wrote.
