Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Blog Chain: What Is Success?

So. Once again, I'm WAY behind on my blog chain duties. *hangs head in shame* And even though I have to write a post for the chain tomorrow, I have something super special scheduled in its place (!!!), so I'll be posting it on Friday.

Okay. Now for the post I'm behind on. The kickass Cole wants to know the following:

How do you define success? Is it getting published, making the New York Times list, or just finishing a novel?    

To me, all those things can be gratifying, but the one that feels like the biggest milestone is finishing a first draft. Granted, I haven't been published and I haven't made the NYT list. I don't know what those things feel like. But if I had to guess, I'd still say wrapping up a novel is the ultimate source of that HELL YEAH feeling. Especially since I'm such a slow writer. The fastest draft I've ever finished lasted 2 months, and I haven't been able to recapture that sense of OMG THIS NEEDS TO BE WRITTEN NOW feeling again. 

So yeah. Success is many stages in the publishing world. It morphs into other stages--other pressures--writers put on themselves. But at the end of the day, it starts with a story you want to share, and the roadblocks that will try to stop you from doing so.

*cracks knuckles*

A huge thank you to Cole for this topic! Make sure you go read what she had to say, and stay tuned for another blog chain post later this week.

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